Collection: Soft Serve & Gelato Machines

Looking for a soft serve or frozen yogurt machine?

The frozen yogurt machine can be found in any Australian shop that serves up refreshment. From the beachside kiosks to the ice cream stores, the inner-city café to the family-fun restaurant, these machines are perfect for producing this lovely treat and in great quantities. Because, after all, they are a real summer slam, and so you have to be ready to serve serious batches at a moment’s notice!

What’s more, these cost-efficient mechanisms are one of the perfect ways to boost sales. They are so popular but the ingredients don’t cost a fortune, ensuring you can make a great return on your investment whilst providing ultimate summer refreshment for people of all ages.

What makes commercial frozen yogurt machines so popular?

It’s the fact that everyone knows they are going to bring the deliciousness on a hot summer’s day. Australia gets hot, real hot, with summer constantly serving up 40+ days that can make it really hard to cool down. Therefore, it’s up to the country’s hospitality people to serve up something different, something to cool us all down, and that something oozes gleefully out of the frozen yogurt machine for sale online. We have the best brand available for purchase, so make sure you pick up yours in time for the next scintillating season!

There are many reasons to buy a new soft serve ice cream machine online for your business. A new sweet and refreshingly cold treat is sure to draw the crowds and be a hit with people of all walks of life, especially in warm weather. Here at The Slushie Specialists, we offer soft serve ice cream machines for sale to commercial businesses looking to add that competitive advantage to their range of product offerings. We believe our selected machine is one of the best available in the market that will help propel your business and produce high profit margins in the long run.

European design soft serve ice cream machine for sale here in Australia

Iceteam are the world leaders when it comes to soft-serve machines. This countertop machine offers efficiency and produces superior quality soft serve ice cream in a very short amount of time. In addition, this soft serve machine can serve a generous 85g portion consistency in intervals of 20 seconds, so every single customer need not wait long in line to buy their frozen dessert.

In addition to soft-serve machines, we also offer commercial food-grade lubricant for sale. To ensure your soft serve machine runs smoothly all year round, you will require Haynes Lubri-Film Plus. This quality lubricant helps to prevent excess wearing of seals in your soft serve ice cream machine and is effective in preventing valves from sticking in extreme temperatures. Besides maintaining your soft serve machine in top condition, this versatile silicon grease lubricant can also be used for re-lubing slushie machines, yogurt machines, meat slicers and coffee machines. 

Click on each product below to view their specifications online.

We also have a frozen yoghurt machine that can dispense soft ice creams and tasty alcohol-based desserts.

Purchase a quality soft serve machine online from us

Don’t hesitate to contact us for a great deal. Regardless of your business or commercial establishment, we can also help make appropriate machine purchase suggestions that will best suit your needs. Call 1300 175 874 today to learn more about shipping in Australia or drop us an email online and we will respond to you as soon as we can.

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